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National Coaching Certification Program

What is NCPP?

Being a coach takes passion and dedication. Being a great coach, however, often requires additional guidance and support. The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) was developed by the  Coaching Association of Canada and its partners to give coaches that extra advantage. The program targets 67 different sports, in both official languages, and is the recognized standard for coach training and certification in Canada.​​

Judo Children Training

NCCP workshops are designed to meet the needs of all types of coaches, from the first-time community coach to the head coach of a national team. Each year, more than 50,000 coaches take an NCCP workshop. Since the program began, more than 1 million coaches have participated, making it one of the largest adult education programs in Canada.

The NCCP is comprised of three streams and a total of eight “contexts”, each with its own coaching requirements. Each sport is responsible for identifying how many of the eight contexts are relevant to their sport. As part of the program, all coaches (regardless of sport or context) are trained in ethical decision-making and sport safety.

NCCP in Judo

NCCP in Judo is the result of a partnership between Judo Canada and the Coaching Association of Canada.  This program enables participants to learn in the classroom and on the mat what it means to be a coach/instructor in judo.  The NCCP is the recognized national standard for coaching in Canada. 


You will find more information about the National Coaching Certification Program(NCCP) Policy here


For more information on NCCP in Judo Canada, click here

Judo Canada’s Nutrition On-Line Module 

At this time, all members of Judo Canada are welcomed to use this tool  free of charge.  This module is based on the generic NCCP nutrition manuals, however it has been enhanced with information specific to judo that should be used by coaches, athletes and parents.  Judo Nutrition​


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